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Galakiwi Supports Project AWARE

A cause close to the heart of our Galakiwi team is Project AWARE, which has the goal of “Protecting our Ocean Planet”.

Living in the Galapagos and having a passion for snorkeling, diving, and water-based adventures; Galakiwi has been lucky to spend time with many curious and different species of the ocean. Some of our favorite creatures are sharks! We love sharks, and feel they get a bad rap! They are amazing animals that are often sensationalized in the media.

On any given week in the Galapagos, our travelers are out snorkeling or swimming with sharks. Galapagos sharks and white-tipped reef sharks are among the most common we encounter, but hammerheads and many other sharks are encountered here in the Galapagos. It is always a special experience to share the ocean with these animals, and the more people understand how important they are, the healthier our oceans will be.

Project AWARE has a number of causes to help improve the health of our oceans. Educating people on the importance of sharks, and protecting them, is just one project. Working with divers around the globe, they also work to eliminate ocean trash and protect manta rays.

Rays, like sharks, are targeted by certain food industries, mostly in Asian countries. While shark-finning is a well-known issue, depleting stocks of Manta Rays (a vulnerable species) is an equally important issue.

With a long list of resources and events that you can participate in, it is easy for you to learn about how you can help save our oceans and the creatures that live in them. Visit to find out more.