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June 6, 2016

Galapagos Octopus Wants to Fight? Nope.

Some sea creatures, such as the octopus, get a bad rap in the media. They are often portrayed to be menacing, scary animals that are out to do you harm if you enter the ocean. Well, we’re happy to report that the octopus in the Galapagos Islands only want to be your friends.

Just like our friendly Galapagos sharks, Octopus in the Galapagos have no reason to attack snorkellers. They’re too busy enjoying the good life in the Galapagos!

With that in mind, we couldn’t help but feel sorry for this little Octopus who was trying to hide and rest among the rocks off the coast of Isabela Island, near Los Tintoreras.

It seems some small, territorial Galapagos Damselfish were wanting to pick a fight with an Octopus. But, as is the case with most Galapagos wildlife, this one wasn’t interested.