October 30, 2015
Kissed by a Galapagos Shark

Sharks are typically friendly creatures, but they have a bad reputation.
This means that we sometimes have to convince travelers to jump into the water in the Galapagos Islands when we are snorkelling with sharks!
Almost always, the sharks swim along without paying attention to us. We’ll see dozens, sometimes even hundreds of sharks at places like Kicker Rock. White-tip reef sharks, black-tip reef sharks, Galapagos sharks and hammerhead sharks are the species we most commonly snorkel with.
In this video, you’ll see a curious Galapagos shark come in for a closer look, as it seems to kiss the camera, before swimming off into the deep blue past the rest of our snorkel group.
And, in case you were wondering? This type of shark – the Galapagos shark – has never killed anyone in the Galapagos Islands!
We told you they’re friendly.